MS Firefox
در صبحانه لینکش رو دیدم. یک کلیپ ویدئویی تبلیغاتی جالب داره که قابل دانلود هم هست. نمی دونستم RSS مخفف چیه؟ در قسمت full features توضیحات این نرم افزار نوشته:
- RSS (Real Simple Sex)RSS is a relatively new algorithmic technology fueled by the continued hot desires of many online web users. Accessed by an illuminating an icon on the toolbar – a single click allows you to view and optionally download anything that resembles a tit, a boob or a breast – rendered directly in the browser with speeds up to 10 times faster than the competition. Real Simple Sex can scan and arrange explicit images/pictures in order of quality and effectively filters out irrelevant content such as balloons or soccer balls.
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